Prophet Joshua Iginla, founder and senior pastor of the Champions Royal Assembly (Joshua Iginla Ministries), has released his prophecy for the year 2024. In his global prophetic warnings, he cautioned Tinubu against betrayals and medical emergencies. Iginla who is arguably the leading prophetic presently, globally spread his prophetic tentacles to major areas of life and several nations of the world. Here are snippets from his global prophecy for 2024. Excepts…
In my vision, l saw something like a transparent glass and I saw a chimpanzee fish and human being in the same container. And God said to me there is something going on in the scientific world, like an experiment and the backlash of this will cause a lot of shaking . It’s like a white community and this caused a lot of death. It’s an evil agenda. The next battle that will shake the world is not physical battle but biological weapons.
I see the alliance of the Brics Nation which involves Russia, India, Brazil, china, and South Africa. It will be stronger with other nations fusing towards them and will challenge other Western powers. This will be between 2024 and 2030.
I see the G7 nations such as Canada, Germany, UK , USA, Japan and others will experience a lot of backlash against poor economic policies. They need to be careful.
I see technological advancement in the Nation of India and artificial intelligence breakthrough. Other super powers will marvel. They will do things that will change the world
The cryptocurrency world will grow big and take another turn, especially in the next four years between 2024 and 2028. That those who are in that world will become multi-billionaires.
There will be major breakthrough in the medical world between 2024 and 2032. There will be cure to Some incurable disease. It will be a scientific breakthrough.
The Arab world will grow very strong. I meant countries like Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Dubai. Don’t undermine them.
China – I saw in my vision that China will wax stronger and will be feared by the super powers. I saw insurrection and an attempt on the life of president. He has to pray between 2024 and 2030. Pray against a triangular conspiracy. There will be attempt to overthrow him.
Putin- President Putin needs prayer for his health and his life. His candle light is burning very fast.I see manipulation , a Messenger and I pray the power of a woman will not destroy a great giant.
America: President Biden means well for US but need to pray against internal enemies especially for this reelection. The female VP has a bright star with a strong political future. A lot of drama will happen in the political climate of America. And president Biden should pray to finish well.
Donald Trump – He is not someone I love as a person ( I meant his ideology) but as a prophet I will say he should not be undermined or looked down . I saw a white horse and an American flag with nobody on it and i saw him closer to the white horse than other contestants.He is a factor that should not be undermine. If he picks his Republican ticket, what is ahead will shake the world. I will throw more light on him later.
African leaders should take the youth serious to avoid revolution that will chase them out of their palace . When this revolution starts the power of the gun and bullets won’t be able to stop them.
African leader should take care of their security operatives. Else, the news of coup will be like rains. The coup last year is not the end.
2024 till 2026, the church will be more divided with pastors hating each others like they hate the devil. many will backslide and secrets of many great men of God will be exposed and it will affect the faith of many young ones.
Unspeakable things will happen in the body of Christ that will dampen the faith of many. I see two major General of God taking home and one will come from the pentecostal.
In 2024, the economy of Nigeria will go through tough times. We will experience real changes in 2025. The incumbent government will try it’s best but the prevailing factors will overwhelm them. It will look like what they know how to do but can’t do it. This government is like a Saul to prepare the best level of where we are going, especially between 2024 and 2031.
This government will try but will battle the war of disgruntled politicians on unsettled political promises.. It’s going to be crab movement between now till 2026 with lions trying to eat each others.
Unappeased Northern cabals are the forces I meant being them. Meaningful impact will begin from 2025.
The dollar will keep getting stronger and Naira getting weaker.
His excellence, President Tinubu should focus on his health to prevent medical emergencies twice. We pray God’s agenda for him will come to pass.
Tinubu meant well but be careful of those he relies on as I see faithful people becoming unfaithful and betrayals. Friends before can become an enemy today.
There is the spirit of discernment on the first lady, the president should not throw away her counsels.
The national assembly will go through some shakings. They will make giant strides to enact laws and policies that will better the lot of the citizens.
The Senate president, Akpabio needs prayers. He should pray against the forces against him and pray to finish his term. There will be a lot of scandals, things he least expected…
Taraba state. The governor will try his best to deliver on his promises but should work on his security architecture because of the attack I see coming. Pray not to be bereaved and pay more attention on your immediate families.
PLATEAU: The governor should pray. I saw his seat being occupied by another person. He should pray to finish what he has started. The governor meant well but the forces of darkness in Plateau state will not want him to succeed. He should rise not to only sustain his seat but his life too. He is a star in this country despite the issues surrounding him.
Kano: the governor should pray for his health and grace to sustain his seat. I see future riots and civil unrest due to the court judgenent coming ahead.
River State: the governor is a good man and where God is taking him is big. He should be careful of his advisers. He should continue to follow the path of peace with us former boss. I see another storm coming ahead and I pray he finishes his term. There will still be storm that will try to thwart the path of peace he is towing.
Wike- The political destiny of Wike is very strong. I remember God sad he is a factor is the scheme if things not because he is righteous or perfect but because if certain things attached to his destiny. He will face strong betrayals at the federal level and will face betrayals. Hard times are coming ahead of him. Will he survive it, yes he will.
Kogi- the newly elected governor will try to fulfill his electoral promises but there will be strong battles between him and his boss influence by those who wants him to fail earlier. No matter the prayers it will still surface. He will have trying times ahead.
Botswana- the current president will retain his seat in the 2024 election and will break more ground economically. He meant well for the country. He will see a lot of betrayals but it won’t stop him. The rift in the opposition party will deepens because of selfish reasons and greed.
Namibia- I see the hand of God in that country. God will raise great prophets and will raise a lot of harvest economically. I don’t know why I see a female at the helm of affairs after the current president. She will cause a great turn around.
South Africa – Like I said in the past Julius Malema will be a president or leader one day because it’s in his destiny once he holds on to God and listen constructive ideas and advice. In the forthcoming election the ruling party,ANC, will still hold the presidential seat and lose some strong holds to the opposition party. SA should pray against earthquake and natural disasters. I see a lot of fire outbreaks and civil unrest between 2024 and 2026 so they won’t be seeking for Aids from nations they once helped.
Rwanda- the ruling party will still hold power but this re-election will bring a serious battle to the incumbent. I see insurrection and coup attempt. He should pray that what happened to other nations wont occur there.
South Sudan- there is already a revival coming to the churches in that country. They should pray against premature death of men between the age of 35 and 45. I see outbreaks of sickness without adequate provisions or medical facilities. The incumbent president will still be there but pray to finish what he started. He should pay attention to his health. It’s only the living that can rule a nation.
Mozambique: There will be revival in the churches of that country but there is a need and a cry against division among ministers and churches. The key to turning things around is in their hands . The women should pray for their rights to be protected. I see massive violations of human rights of women. Most political leaders should ask God for mercy and great fall of some politicians unless they repent. The economy will grow strong but not as expected. The ruling party should not underestimate the opposition. I see a crop of young men in politics coming out strong but it won’t stop the ruling party from winning if they seek God’s face.
Togo: the pastors should pray as the watchmen are no longer watching. I see a great leader of the church being called to glory. The president meant well but will suffer betrayals and pray against poison attempts. Hard times are coming for him but he should guide against overconfidence.
Gabon- the leader that emerges through coup will try to fulfill his promises. He should pray against against another coup attempt .
This is applicable to Burkina Faso too. The leaders of Burkina Faso should watch the month of June, August, November and the dates for Burkina Faso like 22nd, 1-3rd, 8,9 and 10 of the months I mentioned.
Zambia- Pastors in zambia should pray against marine world agents sent to cripple their works. I saw greatness coming out of zambia- and the spiritual fathers in Zambia should come out in unity and pray for that country. The key is in their hands. The government of the day should not look down on the spiritual fathers. Important goverment officials should pray against accidents that can claim their lives. The economic situation will still be harsh. The current president will try his best because he meant well, but their is a force in the state house that battles presidents. He should pray for the state house and fulfill his promises to citizens . God loves Zambia. He should spend his democratic dividends he promised zambians and avoid distractions. He should not make the opposition popular by his direct or indirect actions. He is not the David but the saul. The real david is coming but i dont know when.
Angola: I see a serious rainfall. I see great men being called home.
South Korea: God is raising four people who will break ground than Pastor Youngi chow. The churches will begin to experience a great revival. The ruling powers will still hold on to power during the election but the person elected should pray for his health and to finish well.
Ghana: John mamah is a factor in the election and should not be undermined. There is a star on his head. Hard times are coming for the incumbent president after finishing his tenure. The prophetic is coming back to Ghana.
There will be climate change between 2024 till 2030.
There will be a surge of female ministers with strong Apostolic and prophetic mantle and will use the foolish things to confound the wise.
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