Apostle Suleman Lectures on Sex And Dangers of Pornography

Servant of God and General Overseer of the Omega Fire Ministries (OFM) worldwide, Apostle Johnson Suleman, has warned Christians of the danger of watching pornography. Indulging in pornography is a form of sexual immorality, he warns, adding that, anyone indulging in pornography is not pure in heart. “And only the pure in heart will see God.”
According to the firebrand Gospel preacher, the dangers of watching pornography are many. “It sponsors so many evils. If indulging in pornography is immediately pleasurable, that pleasure is brief. It leaves you feeling empty, unsatisfied, yearning for more. It’s like eating a sugar-coated poison pill.”
People get demonized; Christians especially, by watching pornography, the popular prophet noted. “Those of you that have apps, when you go to phonographic sites and you’re watching, spirits are entering into you. One of the things that pornography sponsors is masturbation. One of the things masturbation sponsors is premature death. Those of you that engage in masturbation, you speak in tongues, but it has held you bound. And what is the result? The enemy is taking life out of you.”
Apostle Suleman maintained in his preaching that masturbation violates God’s standard of sexuality and promotes iniquity. “Masturbation is rooted in the lust of the flesh which can come through impure thoughts from obscene pictures, movies, social media, and pornography that thrives in secrecy and is very addictive. Anytime you’re watching phonographic materials, books or videos, you’re opening yourself up for the spirit of mockery and shame.”
Sex is a covenant, it is life, the servant of God affirms. “When you start having multiple sex partners, you’re entering several covenants. When you have slept with a boy or a girl, you have entered a covenant. You felt it was ten minutes or one-hour fun, no; it was one hour of very serious covenant. As you enter the covenant, it arrests your existence, it mortgages your future; it swallows up your life.”
There are people that think they’re smart. They say oh I’m smart, and they get all kinds of contraceptives and protection to avoid STDs not knowing that they’re actually acquiring STDs. You’re avoiding sexually transmitted diseases but you’re acquiring sexually transmitted demons. They get protections, contraceptives to abort pregnancy, they get a rubber which they call condom, a piece of material used by two stupid people. When they use condoms, the lady is cummin and the man is a dummy or the lady is cumin and the man is a dummy. And there are believers, workers in church who are bound with masturbation. I say to you, it’s not an urge, it’s not a feeling; it’s a spirit.”
Indulging in pornography ruins the value of sex. Sex is a gift from God that is exclusively for one man and one woman who are bonded together in marriage. Sex is God’s idea. Pornography corrupts and perverts sex. Therefore, do not desire pornography. Desire God, the ‘Restoration Apostle’ counsels.