‘… Not a fraction to Communist China’: Nikki Haley has a big right on Covid-19 | World news

US Republican Party presidential candidate Nikki Haley on Tuesday said that COVID probably came from a Chinese lab and asked to cut US aid to China.
“It is likely that COVID-19 came from a Chinese lab. Cut US aid. Not a fraction against Communist China,” Haley tweeted on Tuesday.
Haley recently said that if elected to power, she would cut every cent in foreign aid to countries that hate the US. This includes China, Pakistan and other enemies as “A strong America does not pay for bad people”.
“I will cut every cent in foreign aid to countries that hate us. A strong America doesn’t pay bad people off. A proud America doesn’t waste money on our tough people. And the presidents the only ones worthy of our trust are those who stand up to our enemies and stand by our friends,” Haley, former Governor of South Carolina and former US ambassador to the UN, wrote in an op-ed for the New York Post.
According to Haley, the United States spent USD 46 billion on foreign aid last year. That is far more than any other country. Taxpayers deserve to know where that money goes and what it does. They will be shocked to see that much of it goes to fund anti-American countries and causes.
Grand Old Party (GOP) leader Haley launched her 2024 campaign for the White House on February 15 (local time), pitching herself to voters as part of a “new generation” of Republican leaders who can win at the ballot box.
Haley is now the first Indian American woman from the Republican Party to run for the presidency. As the former governor of South Carolina and US ambassador to the United Nations, took the stage, Haley presented herself as the proud daughter of Indian immigrants pitching a new future for the Republican party.
Haley in the Op-ed, while citing examples say that the US has given Iran more than USD 2 billion in the past few years, even though its government is approaching deadly terrorists in Iran who shout “Death to America!” and launching attacks on our troops.
“The Biden administration has resumed military aid to Pakistan, even though it is home to at least a dozen terrorist groups and its government is far from China. Team Biden also returned half a billion dollars to a corrupt United Nations agency supposed to help the Palestinian people. but in fact the searches for anti-Semitic propaganda are deep against our friend Israel,” he said.
The US has given hundreds of millions of dollars to Zimbabwe, a country with one of the most anti-American voting records in the UN.
American taxpayers still give money to Communist China for ridiculous environmental programs, despite the obvious danger China poses to Americans. We gave money to Belarus, which is an ally of Russia Vladimir Putin. We even give money to Communist Cuba – a country that our own government has designated as a state sponsor of terrorism, Haley said in her op-ed for the New York Post.
Earlier this month, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that the organization will continue to push until it finds an answer to how the Covid-19 pandemic started, following a report that suggested that it had abandon the search.
“We need to keep pushing until we get an answer,” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters, referring to the search for the origins of the virus that first started spreading in China in late 2019. (ANI)