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Independent UN experts reveal a ‘prima facie war crime’ in East Jerusalem

“There is an ongoing and unchecked tragedy: the silence of the killing of Palestinians from their homes,” they said in a joint statement.

“Israel’s introduction of its own population to the occupied territory proves it deliberate intention to colonize the area it occupies, a practice prohibited by international humanitarian law,” they said.

“You’re right a first sight war crime,” they said.

The joint statement comes from three independent UN experts: Francesca Albanese, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967; Balakrishnan Rajagopal, Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing; and Paula Gaviria Betancur, Special Rapporteur on the humanitarian situation of internally displaced persons.

After repeatedly raising these issues with the Israeli Government, they said that no response has been received to date.

‘Irredeemably’ changed the state of the city

Indeed, despite the efforts of international organizations and activists, The Palestinians under Israel responsibility continue to be forced from their homes we had have taken their land and properties on the basis of exclusive rules.

The laws, designed to improve Jewish ownership in Jerusalem, were irredeemably changing the city’s creative composition and position, they warned.

Exclusionary rules

In the areas near the Old City of Jerusalem, approx 150 Palestinian families Currently at risk of rape and displacement by Israeli authorities and settlers.

Over the past decade, hundreds of Palestinian property in the East Jerusalem has been taken by the settlersin part because of a law that allows the transfer of pre-1948 Jewish property to “original Jewish owners” or “heirs”, experts say.

‘Lawfare’ is action

The current law helps settler groups to seize Palestinian properties through legal manipulation, they added.

“This is the law in practice,” they said. “The law is exclusionary and restrictive by design, and there is no such right of return for it Over one million Palestinians and their descendants were displaced and displaced. from Jerusalem, Israel, and the rest of the West Bank and Gaza in 1947 and in 1967.”

Longing for justice

“They are still hoping for justice,” UN experts said.

Of particular concern are three families who are currently at risk: the Shehades in Silwan, the Ghaith-Sub Labani in the Old City, and the Salems in Sheikh Jarrah. With living in their residence for many decades under him Rent is protectedthese are the families face deportation proceedings sued by settler organizations seeking to recover their properties for years.

Ghaith-Sub Labani’s family has exhausted all legal means to challenge the release order, they said, adding that Israeli authorities have served them with a notice to leave their homes by April 25, or face forced eviction.

‘Close to international law in public’

“This is in it violates international law that does not give the receiving power the authority to change the local law unless it is strictly required by the security needs: the agenda and wishes are not a security need,” said the experts.

The establishment and expansion of settlements is “a serious violation of international law, prosecuted under the Rome Statute”they said, emphasizing that no State should passively acquiesce with these illegal acts to “promote the rights of Palestinians to self-determination, adequate housing, property, non-exclusion”.

“For the Palestinians, The enjoyment of human rights is a distant prospect as limiting these rights is part of the very architecture of Israel’s occupation,” they said.

“Them almost 56-year-long career and the manner in which he is allowed to conduct himself with general impunity and without consequences, makes a farce of international law and the credibility of the system has the authority to enforce,” they said.

“Them The task must be completed with all deliberate speed and until that day, Israel must fully comply with international humanitarian law and international human rights law obligations,” they stressed.

Special Reporters

Special rapporteurs and other independent experts are appointed by the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. They monitor and report on specific country situations or topical issues.

They are not UN staff and are not paid for their work.

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