
Abdul Rahmon Olalekan Mustapha CON: Accolades For A Successful And Impactful Tenure

By: Prince Adeshina Bello


Distinguished Senator Abdul Rahmoni Olalekan Mustapha CON, as you successfully completed your 4 years tenure in representing good people of Ogun East.

we witnessed your tenure for enormous laudable projects attraction to all local government in ogun East, your footprint in contribution to the development of entire ijebu&Remo land in just four years is indelible, you are so energetic, vibrant and effective in impactful projects delivery, your projects facilitation is second to the none in the history of ogun state national assembly representation.
you set numerous of new records and surpassed many records and highly raised the bar of legislations in all ramifications, which one are we going to talk about? Very enormous!

>Before now, the highest road projects facilitated to Ogun East by any senator in 4 years tenure wasn’t more than a road project, the highest road projects facilitated to any senatorial district in Ogun state is not more than 10 roads projects but in your capacity as floor member of Senate not even principal officer of Senate you facilitated to our Ogun East senatorial district of ogun state 63 inner road projects in 4 years in which 45 roads projects already completed while work are still ongoing on 18 roads projects which 2023 budget implementation will soon take care of, this show how effective is your representation to good people of ijebu&Remo land.
Today, except Hon Femi Gbajabiamila the former speaker of house representatives, no national assembly members in this south west achieved this feat in the period of four years. I’m still wondering how you achieved this feat. kudos sir.

> The school classrooms facilitated by you in previous representation in 6th assembly to ogun east are 38 classrooms which your predecessor also equaled , but today in Ogun East, you attracted to our public schools, construction of 232 classrooms across all 9 LGS in 4 years.
we are blessed to have your kind -Mr projects and vibrant lobbyist as Ogun East senator in the 9th national assembly.

>who will say that your representation is not impactful distinguished senator? the highest transformers facilitated by any national assembly members to any constituencies in ogun East before now is less than 17 transformers but today you procured and distributed 110 transformers across ogun east in 4 years of representation, I say bravo sir.

>Today, we have in Ogun East two FG mini stadia, one in ijebu Igbo completed and another one in ijebu ode almost completed. people senator, well-done sir

>You facilitated to our senatorial district 100 beds mother and children hospital apart from 40 beds cottage hospital attracted to ogijo community. As product of only the best (Molusi College), your are only the best. we are proud of your excellent performance and contribution to growth of akile ijebu & Remo land

>What else can we say as you delivered to your good people of ogun East, meaningful and impactful dividends of democracy in all sectors of infrastructures development, 200 of lockup shops and open shops, 3800 solar street lights installation, distribution of 18,000 classrooms furniture, 40 units of solar borehole system, all in 4 years, attracted to Ogun east. And as members of Senate committee on works, you used your position to influence the rehabilitation of ijebu ode/ ibadan road and pushing for steady works on construction of Sagamu/Ogijo road. Distinguished Sen Olalekan Mustphafa CON your are goal getter, the real IDAN

> we can still remember vividly as you delivered for us in ogun east In 6th Senate, establishment of first federal government specialized institution in southern Nigeria, The Nigeria correctional Academy, degree awarding institution when fully operational like Nigeria Police Academy, establishment of additional police Area Command in ogun East in order to improve the the security architecture of ijebu land, establishment of police children school and massive federal government employment for over 647 youths into different federal government agencies like Nigeria immigration, civil defense, correctional services, police force and Nigeria air force as chairman Senate committee on interior then and you added to this numbers in this 9 Senate by influencing federal employment for over 120 youths in FIRS, FCTA, Nigeria Immigration, civil defense and correctional service. Conferment national awards
( CON) on you by federal government of Nigeria is an evident to the outstanding work you delivered to people time to time

>In the area of bills sponsored and motions moved, out of enormous bills sponsored, you successfully have some of the bill passed by 2 chambers of national assembly. They are bill for the establishment of the Federal Medical center ijebu ode and bill for legal frame works and establishment of Nigeria correctional Academy ijebu Igbo, already in existence but for legal backing

>Community Service your are in forefront sir, we can’t forget how you honoured our Royal father Oba Lawrence Adebajo Jayeoba on the day of his enthronement as Orimolusi of ijebu Igbo after almost 24 years of Orimolusi stool vacancy, your are the first ijebu Igbo son that honoured our new Orimolusi with #24 million 2017 GLS 450 4MATIC SUV Jeep as first special gift to Oba Lawrence Adebajo jayeoba.

>When the ijebu Igbo elders wanted to raise 50 million naira funds, in order to remodel 70 years old Orimolusi palace to modern day palace for current Orimolusi of ijebu Igbo to use as palace executive office. you are still the one who volunteered yourself to personally finance the remodel of 70 years old Orimolusi palace from standing Wall to modern day edifice.

On request sir, the compendium of your scored cards which will be released for public in very short time, I wish you produce the compendium of your achievement in massive, so that majority of your constituents will have first hand information of your excellent performances for record purpose.

I give it to you sir, a standing ovation

Distinguished Senator, your are our shining star in akile ijebu, may you star continue to glance

Omo Orimolusi Adoroke,Omo Olufowore setireje,Omo onigbo Marun, oke Igbo meji,Òdo Igbo Po lo janti rere
Ijebu igbo Omo alade mefa,Tofi ilu nla marun bodi ugbo,Omo Sopen lukale,Omo olowu oduru,Omo ajifepeseri

I pray, may almighty Allah grant you more good health, very sound minds and very peaceful life. I wish you sir, best of luck in your future endeavors.

Congratulations again sir.

Prince Adeshina Bello
Chairman SLM Youths Forum

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