
Apostle Suleman Shares Qualities Behind His Success

Although, it’s commonplace to have a good man and a godly man, there are men that combine the attributes of uprightness and knowing God. Apostle (Prof.) Johnson Suleman belongs in that category of men who, on godly standards, make wise decisions and are equally nice and show love based on a worldly standard.

“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”- James 1:12

Through his teachings, the servant of God and senior pastor at the Omega Fire Ministries (OFM) worldwide reveals that in his growing years, life indeed tried him, not once but often. “Challenges and set-backs had happened,” he had stated in one of his lectures about life, “and they tested my spirit, love and faith but I remained unshaken.” He added that because he was ready for God, he didn’t give up at the first sign of tests but trusted God and allowed Him to work on his behalf.

Something makes Suleman’s preaching so unique; it is the fact that he always presents himself as a proof of God’s miracle, ready to share the blessings with the people in terms of spiritual sight, spiritual value and spiritual showing of God’s glory.

Apart from focusing on God’s word, being generous is another quality that describes Apostle Suleman. “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” -2 Corinthians 9:6

The famous cleric teaches that an attitude of giving shows itself in a relationship. “I enjoy giving because my Bible tells me that a man who enjoys giving, will have less difficulty; a man that knows that his riches are not earthly, but come from God, will worry less about material stuff and know that God can meet his needs at all times,” he had expressed in one of his sermon videos.

Being responsible is a prime indicator of maturity and wisdom. Apostle Suleman lectures that a truly godly man must be answerable for his deeds. He says he is led by the Spirit to take responsibility and every man should endeavor to be spirit-led and take full responsibility for his actions.

Also, one important characteristic you find in the Edo State born fine preacher is humility. He is said to represent a good reason why a godly man must be humble. Suleman posits that life can be challenging and confronting at times, however, only people who are able to resist the desire to always be right and are able to acknowledge their mistakes and weaknesses are truly humble and can ease tensions.

Fortunately, being a good husband is made easy by having a moral compass and prioritizing the union. Apostle Suleman and his beautiful wife, Reverend Lizzy, marked their 15th wedding anniversary recently. The way the couple celebrated the occasion was the reason their union has endured since 5th of June, 2014. Reading Suleman’s lips, being married to Lizzy was about following his heart, conscience, and acting on his love for the wife. They are simple steps that have sustained their home thus far and will the marriage a brighter future. “Every woman likes to be appreciated. When your wife makes her hair or wears a dress, the man must compliment her. Women love compliments. The husband must not eat her food and say thank you Jesus. It wasn’t Jesus that cooked the food! So, thank her before thanking Jesus.”

Finally, the ‘Oracle of God’ warns that even though a man can be all of the characteristics above, he must fear God and lives his life accordingly. According to him, knowing that God judges our behaviour towards each other and sees the things we do in the dark encourages us to live a life of obedience.

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