Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro banned elections for eight years: ‘Big lie’ | World news
Brazil’s former president Jair Bolsonaro has been barred from running for office again after a court ruled he abused his power and cast doubt on the country’s electronic voting system. The decision will prevent Jair Bolsonaro from running for office until 2030 as four of the seven judges on the country’s highest electoral court said the former president abused his authority.
“This decision will end Bolsonaro’s chances to be president again, and he knows it,” said Carlos Melo, a political science professor at Insper University in Sao Paulo. “After this, he will try to stay in prison, select some of his friends to protect his political capital, but it is unlikely that he will return to the position of president.”
The case centered on a meeting where Jair Bolsonaro claimed that the country’s electronic voting system was fraudulent.
“Bolsonaro used the powers of his office by calling the meeting: check. It uses government officials and buildings with electoral intent: check. And he interfered with the national interests of his campaign: check,” the court said.
Although, the former president will be able to appeal the case in the highest court of the country where he faces criminal investigations.
“This is unfair to me, my God in heaven! Show me something that I have done against democracy,” said Jair Bolsonaro in response to the verdict.
“Maybe my offense is doing the right thing for four years,” he added.