Burkina Faso: UN rights office calls for investigation into new deadly attack on civilians

The incident took place on Thursday when armed men in uniform surrounded the village of Karma, located in the north of Yatenga district, and fired at random people. At least 150 civilians were killed, and many wounded, according to reports.
The attackers – allegedly members of the defense and security forces, accompanied by paramilitary auxiliaries known as the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP) – then proceeded to attack houses, shops and mosque.
Shots heard in the morning
OHCHR spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani said that sources in the nearby town of Ouahigouya reported hearing gunshots at 7am on Thursday, three hours after they saw men in military fatigues on vehicles and motorcycles heading to Karma.
“The public prosecutor in Ouahigouya announced on April 23 that 60 people were killed and that the investigation into the attack is ongoing,” he said. “This investigation must be fair, thorough, independent, and impartial we had must result in credible prosecutionif such great crimes are stopped.”
Burkina Faso has experienced turmoil in recent years, with attacks reported by suspected jihadists. Military operations, and military operations, have caused widespread displacement, displacing approximately two million people.
Rights hand
The latest bloodshed comes in the wake of an attack on the VDP base on 15 April. Eight soldiers and 32 VDPs were killed, and more than 30 wounded, according to the regional governor.
OHCHR said credible accounts indicated the attacks accused villagers of protecting members of Jamaat Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslim (JNIM), an Islamic State affiliate, and non-state armed groups. other.
“We call on all parties to the conflict in Burkina Faso to respect their obligations under international humanitarian law, including through refusing to focus on civilians and civilian objects. Deliberately targeting civilians or individuals not directly involved in hostilities is a war crime” said Ms. Shamdasani.
A wave of attacks
He added that this was one of many other reported attacks on civilians by the military and the VDP in recent months.
At least 50 civilians were killed on 9 November when suspected members of the 14th regiment attacked four villages near the town of Djibo, the capital of Soum province. In another incident, at least 28 people were killed in Nouna town, Kossi District, on 30-31 December.
“Investigations have been announced by the authorities,” Ms. Shamdasani said. “We call on the authorities to publish the findings of these investigations.”