
Don’t Fix, Pay Deductions, OGSG Warns Cooperatives

Ogun State Government has warned that, it would not condone any Executive Members of Cooperatives and other Associations that collude with Banks to place funds it released for the payment of all outstanding deductions on fixed or call deposit, as it counters its intention to further improve the well-being of the Public Servants.

This was contained in the circular letter issued by the Office of the Permanent Secretary, State Treasury and Accountant General of the State, sequel to the reported release of funds for the payment of all outstanding deductions from November 2017 to April, 2019.

 The Account-General, Mr. Micheal Idowu in the circular letter issued on the directive of the State Commissioner for Finance, Mr. Adewale Oshinowo, stated that, in this circumstance, all Executives of Cooperatives and other Associations are hereby directed to inform the Office of Accountant General in writing, the receipt of funds in their accounts, with a copy of their Bank Statements reflecting such.  Also, meeting should be convened to approve all loan applications for immediate disbursement.

 ‘’The State government will be monitoring all Cooperative Accounts from time to time to ascertain strict compliance for disbursement of funds to the Co-operators and other beneficiaries, so that government’s genuine intentions at boosting the living standard of its workforce were not frustrated’’

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