Elephant Slumps After Drinking Villagers’ 200 Litres Of Local Gin

An elephant believed to have gorged itself to stupor with locally brewed alcohol has slumped to the ground in a village farm.
The incident allegedly happened in the Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC).
There is no official reaction yet from any quarters in respect of the alleged drunk elephant and it has also not been established yet if the incident happened in DRC but a Facebook user claimed that the fear -stricken villagers had ran way when the animal roamed dangerously into their area but when they returned hours later, the wildlife had emptied the 200 liters of a locally brewed alcohol left behind – it drank all – a brew that was meant for sale.
The Central African country of Congo accounts for about 20% of the remaining habitat for forest elephants in the region.
Unofficial source puts the estimated elephant population in Congo in thousands and they are distributed across scattered habitats in the Salonga, Okapi and Virunga regions of the country.
According Oneearth.org report, forest elephants live in the humid, tropical forests of the Congo Basin and throughout West Africa, feeding on lush leaves, seeds, fruit and tree bark as they forage the jungle for food.
Dubbed ‘Gardeners of the Congo,’ these elephants consume mass amounts of vegetation and plant material, stomping on small trees and bushes as they move from location to location, the report stated.