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First Man: Why Indigenous People Can Help Save the Earth

“For indigenous people, land, forest, water, is life. We depend on the natural environment, and we take care of our environment. Managing natural resources is an integral part of our way of life. For example, the method we use is rotational agriculture, avoiding monocultures by growing many different types of crops on our farm.

In native cultures, we look at a woman’s kitchen. If he has a variety of native plants, it means that he is a hard worker and an intelligent member of the community! For us, this is a sign of greater wealth than money.

Naw Ei Ei Min, Executive Committee Member of the Asian Indigenous Peoples Pact.

Naw Ei Ei Min, Executive Committee Member of the Asian Indigenous Peoples Pact.

Strong international voice

I started at the Asian Nations Convention, an organization representing 14 Asian countries, which defends indigenous peoples in the General Assembly. I decided to focus on the role that the natives play in protecting the various living things.

When it comes to the environment, and issues related to biodiversity, things are stronger than ever at the global level. At the UNFCCC (the UN body responsible for the UN Climate Conventions), there is now a regional and indigenous peoples’ platform.

This is an important achievement for indigenous people, providing space for indigenous knowledge and means that we can participate in the decision-making process.

But those changes also need to be extended to the national, regional and local levels. Real change needs to happen on the ground. The complex way of negotiating international agreements sometimes does not fit with the way we communicate; it also needs to be more equitable, in terms of our participation, and giving something to those of us who are concerned with climate change.

Climate action and climate justice

If the natural environment is destroyed, then the cultural way of life is. Indigenous peoples face the effects of climate change every day, on the land, on their lands and in their communities.

We are facing threats from climate change, and also from the constant exploitation of natural resources. That is why climate justice is important. We need to consider the views of indigenous peoples, if we are to find lasting solutions to the crisis. “

Naw Ei Ei Min represented Asia at the UN Permanent Assembly on Indigenous Issues. He told UN News when 22nd term of the Assembly, held at the UN headquarters between 17 and 28 April.

  • The General Assembly designated 22 April as International Mother’s Day by a resolution adopted in 2009.
  • The United Nations celebrates this day in solidarity with the Nature Initiative, a platform for global sustainable development that celebrates an annual dialogue on Mother Earth Day.
  • Topics include methods for promoting a holistic approach to harmony with nature, and the exchange of national experiences regarding principles and indicators to measure sustainable development in harmony with nature.

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