First Person: Love to eat serious Gambian food
At the age of only 24, Alhadgie Faal has built a successful small business, by converting family land in Kanuma, located in the Gambia North Bank region, into a large field, where he grows fruits and vegetables to sell to households. restaurants and hotels.
He started his company after receiving training from the UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF). line up[DD1] Focus on supporting women and youth, especially in rural areas.
“Before I started this job, I was a carpenter, but farming has always been my passion. Without agriculture we cannot feed the country, and I have a dream to provide The Gambia with healthy fruits.
About four years ago, my uncle told me that there is a free UN training on agriculture, horticulture, and cooking. He asked for me, and he accepted me.
Planting the seeds of a business
I am very happy, because we are a farming family, and they earn money, and it will not be possible for me to pay for a husband. But all these expenses are covered, so I can go to the college.
The training is very useful. We learn about agronomics, how to manage crops, when to plant, and how to choose the right place.
Once I finished school, I had the idea to start my own fruit and vegetable business. My mother owned a piece of land, and she allowed me and my brother to use it. The land was a forest at that time, so my brother and I cleared it to create a garden.
In the beginning, I faced many challenges. Whenever we plant or sow seeds, rats will come to destroy everything. We also have to deal with piles, pests, and diseases.
Finally we overcome these problems. Today, we protect the plants with nets to protect them from insects, and we cover them with plastic for three to four days to generate heat, which causes the blood to disappear.
From peppers to papayas
We grow many different crops here. We have green bell peppers, hot yellow peppers, papayas, and strawberries.
We have been successful in selling our fruits in Banjul area. We cater to restaurants, hotels, and some private individuals.
Many people love our products because they are very tasty. Our strawberries are big and sweet, and all our fruits and vegetables are organic. This is important, because chemicals are not good for human health or the environment.
Starting an agricultural business in Gambia is very difficult. You have to be patient, or you will not succeed. Transport is difficult, and expansion is very complicated, because it is difficult to get access to grants and loans. Financing is a big issue, especially for young farmers.
My advice to anyone who wants to become an entrepreneur is to focus on agriculture, so that we can avoid importing from our neighboring countries. We have land, and we can get water from the river. We have everything we need to survive.
I would like Gambians to eat Gambian strawberries. People think that we don’t grow fruit here, and that’s what made me successful.”