Fulfilling the dreams of Kale, a young man fighting cancer

A year ago, Kale, who lives in California, started having bad vision in her right eye. After a medical examination, his family received the devastating news that he had a tumor in his right nerve.
“This year has been a struggle for Kale,” said his father, William, explaining that, on top of battling cancer, his son is going through the usual ups and downs of young high school students.
The oldest of two sons, Kale, whose parents are both history teachers, has an interest in foreign and international relations, and dreams of becoming a diplomat. “The United Nations is one of the biggest forces for international relations on the planet,” he told UN News. “You love me so much. And since the capital is here in New York, a city that I also want to visit, I think it will be a very good place to experience. “
Improving the odds of recovery
The Make-A-Wish Foundation believes that granting wishes can change the odds for children fighting illnesses, helping them to see beyond their limitations; supporting families dealing with anxiety; and bring joy to all areas.
The foundation makes up to 15,000 wishes come true in the United States each year, guided by referrals from medical organizations. “On average, it takes between six and 18 months to get your wish granted”, explains Coleen Lee from the Make-A-Wish Foundation. “This is the first time a child has expressed a desire to come to HIM!”
“The United Nations is important for me to visit because of the important work that is done there, from humanitarian missions to peace efforts all in the hope of making the world a better place,” Kale wrote in his will. to the Foundation. “This is why I think it will be important to see the place so that I can better understand the work there, and how these decisions are made”.
Create a day to remember
When the UN received a request from the Foundation, they tried to put together a plan to ensure that his visit would be memorable.
“To make it all worthwhile, we decided to organize not only a guided tour but also give Kale the opportunity to meet the highest officials and representatives,” explained Rula Hinedi, Head of the Department of Tourism Guidance at the United Nations.
The day starts early with a guided tour. “It’s awesome, I’m afraid,” Kale said, smiling. “I really like the General Assembly. I was able to stand on the podium and it was good to be in the same place as the great people before me. That is very powerful. “
Members of the Department of Defense and Security, including Paula Goncalvez, a top female official, with more than 25 years of experience. “We want you to enjoy the experience here”, he said. “It’s a wonderful organization, and we’re glad you chose us!”
In the Security Council briefing room, Kale meets Officer Richard Norowski. Kale’s visit, and her Make-a-Wish badge, brought back emotional memories for Officer Norowski, who accompanied her sister on a Make-a-Wish trip to Disneyland, when she was seven years old. “My sister has leukemia. I will never forget that, and the badge means a lot to me”.
High-performance advice
The next part of the visit includes various meetings that can help Kale achieve this goal in the future.
Maher Nasser, Director of the Department of Posts at the Department of International Relations, shared his personal experience of rising through the ranks at the UN, and suggested the kind of academic studies that could help Kale to succeed either as a diplomat, or as an international official at the UN.
“Follow your dream no matter what,” said Mr. Nasser, “and the stars will align to make your dream come true”, adding that he hopes to see Kale on the streets of the UN in a few years.
The Ambassador of France to the United Nations, Nicolas de Rivière, and Diarra Dime-Labille, Legal Adviser at the Ministry, and Head of the Human Rights, Humanitarian and Impact Department also gave advice to Kale, and shared their experiences.
“It has to be open because a lot of time you have to work and negotiate with countries that have different goals, different visions than ours,” Ms. Dime-Labille explained. The ultimate goal is to create a peaceful world, the goal of nations when they created the United Nations”.
‘Do your best to be better’
Kale and his family are full of hope for the future. “We have about six to 12 months to go before we hit what they call the treatment system”, said his mother, Robin.
“In the last two reports the tumor has shrunk, and Kale has regained some vision in his right eye, his father said. “Hopefully, next month we will get more positive results”.
Rula Hinedi admits that the experience of meeting Kale and his family was an emotional one. “I was very impressed. I am very humbled, he said. I think the request from a 16-year-old boy to visit the United Nations is a strong message to all of us that the work going on here is still important, especially for the new generation. Things aren’t always easy, but the world is definitely a better place because of YOU. “
Reflecting on the trip, Kale said that learning about the good things UN is doing around the world, has made him work to serve others.
He said: “Do everything you can to get better, because when you get better, you can help others to get better.” Help you be kind. That is my message”.