Israel’s occupation of illegal Palestinian territory: UN rights commission

A tripartite panel is leaning towards referring the matter to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the UN’s highest court.
They emphasized that under international humanitarian law, community service in wartime is a temporary situation and will not give has occupied the power of its state or sovereignty.
We miss him a lot
“Recent statements from the Secretary-General and many Member States have clearly shown that any attempt to annex the territory of a State by another State is against international law and is void; 143 member states including Israel last week, voted in favor of the General Assembly resolution confirming this,” said Navi Pillay, Council President.
“Unless we apply it to the whole world, including to the situation in the occupied Palestinian Territory, the important principles of the United Nations Charter will be nullified,” he added.
The Commission has called on the UN General Assembly to request an urgent Advisory Opinion from the ICJ on the legal consequences of the operation.
Settlement ‘company’ study
For their report, the Commissioners reviewed the policies and practices Israel has used to maintain the occupation and integration of parts of the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
They focus on how Israel has maintained and advanced its “settlement industry”, including statements by Israeli officials that aim to maintain permanent control over the land in violation of international law.
The commission concluded that by continuing to occupy the region by force, Israel is accepting international responsibilities and and remains responsible for the severity of the rights of the Palestinians, both individually and as a people.
“By disregarding international law in establishing or facilitating the establishment of settlements, and directly or indirectly placing Israeli citizens in these settlements, successive Israeli governments have set facts on the ground to ensure Israel’s permanent control of the West Bank, ” said Ms. Pillay.
Restrictive land policies
The committee also reviewed Israel’s looting and exploitation of land and natural resources, as well as restrictive urban planning and zoning regulations in the West Bank.
Land is often confiscated for military purposes but then used for housing distribution, the report found.
The commission reviewed statements by Israeli officials indicating that Palestinian construction is seen as an obstacle to settlements, requiring action such as occupation, demolitions and displacement.
Similar patterns are also seen in East Jerusalem, where restrictive planning and zoning have contributed to a shrinking space for Palestinians.
‘silent harm’ and trauma
The report also describes Israeli Government policies that have affected all aspects of Palestinian life, such as access to clean and affordable water.
“There is a lot of ‘silent damage’ and psychological trauma, which may not be immediately apparent, resulting from the destruction of economic, social and cultural rights. These weak policies have short and long term consequences and must be addressed urgently,” said Commissioner Miloon Kothari.
The inspection commission is also responsible and so true The annexation process has had an impact on Palestinian human rights, as well as impacts on Palestinian women and children.
The “environment of coercion” which forces Palestinians to leave their homes has divided Palestinian society and hindered the right to self-determination, the report said.
International action is required
The report concluded by stating that some of the policies and actions of the Israeli government may be “elements” of crimes under international criminal law, including the war crime of transferring a part of its civilian population to occupied territory.
“The actions of the Israeli Government that we review in our report, are an illegal activity and the federal government must be confronted,” said Commissioner Chris Sidoti.
“The international system and individual states must implement and uphold their obligations under international law. That must begin at this General Assembly session with a reference to the International Court of Justice.”
By the Board of Inquiry
The Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel, receives its mandate from the UN Human Rights Council.
Commissioners are not UN employees and are not paid for their work.
They will present their report to the UN General Assembly on October 27.