Indian student seen taking UK woman to his home to rape her in chilling video | World news

Indian student Preet Vikal, who was caught on CCTV picking up a woman at home to rape her, has been charged, the BBC reported. The footage shows Preet Vikal carrying a “drunk” woman in his arms and across his shoulders through Cardiff city centre. The report added the 20-year-old admitted to rape and was sentenced to six years and nine months in a young offenders’ institution.
The woman said she could not sleep after the attack last June. Preet Vikal had met the woman while he was on a night out with friends. He was sentenced to six years in a young offenders’ institution.
As the woman started walking home, she got separated from her friends and was later seen on CCTV by Preet Vikal driving towards King Edward VII Avenue and North Road leading him to a property in the North Road area where he was forced.
“Foreign attacks like these are very rare in Cardiff but in Preet Vikal we have a dangerous man. He took advantage of an intoxicated and vulnerable young woman who was separated from her friends,” South Wales Police said adding that an “extensive” review of CCTV led to Preet Vikal’s identification and arrest.
He will spend two-thirds of his sentence in custody and the rest on licence, the BBC reported.