Iranian filmmaker from London tour on the protests’ support: ‘Bring it on’ | World news

An Iranian filmmaker says the Islamic republic barred him from traveling to the London Film Festival because of his support for the opposition movement sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini, which he called “a big moment in history.” account”.
“The Iranian authorities prevented me from boarding my flight to London on Friday,” Mani Haghighi said in a video message to festival-goers tweeted by the British Film Institute (BFI).
“They didn’t give me a reasonable explanation for this really rude behavior.”
Outrage over Amini’s death on September 16, three days after he was arrested by Iran’s elite police, has sparked the biggest wave of street protests and violence seen in the country for years.
In response, the law enforcement agencies of the clerical state have carried out brutal violence that has claimed the lives of dozens of protesters as well as a campaign of mass arrests of actors, dissidents, journalists and sports stars.
Read more: Our photos are not for propaganda: Posters of Iranian women in hijabs cause outrage
The BFI said Haghighi was due to attend the London Film Festival for his new film “Expulsion”, but Iranian authorities “seized his passport and he cannot leave”.
In the video message, the 53-year-old Iranian leader, author and actor said he believed authorities had prevented him from traveling abroad because of his support for Amini’s opposition group.
“Two weeks ago I uploaded an Instagram video in which I criticized Iran’s mandatory hijab laws and the crackdown on young people who oppose it and many other unjust events in their lives.
“Maybe the authorities thought about putting me in a place where they can stare at me more, maybe to threaten me and keep me.
“Well the fact that I’m talking to you right now in this video sort of ruins that idea,” he said.
Haghighi said, however, that he does not feel bad about being forced to stay in Iran as a “prisoner” in his own country.
“Let me tell you that being here in Tehran now is one of the greatest joys in my life.
“I cannot express the joy and honor of being able to witness first hand this great moment in history and I would rather be here than anywhere else right now.
“So if this is punishment for what I’ve done, then by all means, bring it.”