Jennifer Siebel Recalls How Her Golf Cart Fatally Ran Over Her Elderly Sister | World news

Gavin Newsom’s wife, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, spoke about the trauma and her family still haunting her after the accidental killing of her older sister at a young age. The traumatic event made him feel “perfect”.
In 1981, during a family vacation in Hawaii, Jennifer Siebel’s golf cart flipped and killed her 8-year-old sister Stacey. Jennifer was only six years old when this tragic event occurred. He couldn’t notice that his sister was hiding behind the car.
In an interview published Wednesday by the Los Angeles Times, the California governor’s wife exemplified that “I felt the pressure to be perfect, to make my parents forget, by having two daughters instead of one.”
Jennifer Siebel Newsom reveals how she wants to use the trauma she endured to help improve other people’s lives. “I’m sure there’s savior guilt, and I’m sure, in my mind, it’s like I have to make up for that loss, and I have to do something to make other people’s lives better or in effect, double my own. , which is a little crazy.” he expanded, “I don’t use the word ‘crazy’. But you know, it’s exciting.”
Later in the interview, he defended himself by insisting that “I realized that I am very strong. I see you can’t blame 6- [or] 7 years old. You can’t ask them to understand things. “
Jennifer Siebel Newsom, 48, was raised in a conservative family with her 3 younger sisters. His father, Ken Siebel, is a Republican donor. He is a graceful actor and filmmaker. In 2008, she married Democrat Gavin Newsom, who was in the middle of his term as San Francisco’s mayor. They have 4 children of their own.
Mrs. Newsom endured many hardships in her life. Last year, she testified with 3 other women, against Harvey Weinstein, the disgraced producer, during his sexual assault trials in California. She protested when one of Weinstein’s lawyers urged her to testify that she had committed a crime when she met the former Miramax chief at a Beverly Hills hotel in 2005.
She shared her experience with the Los Angeles Times “I think if I’m going to be honest—I didn’t know that sex and immorality were still in our culture.” Further description, “That surprised me. I’m scared. I was really. I mean, shame on me.” He said, “It was a terrifying experience. I wouldn’t want it for anyone. Gavin Newton, who is a supportive husband, released a statement praising his wife’s courage and saying how incredibly proud he was of her.
Despite his troubles, today he stands strong and wants to work towards making California a brighter place to live. “Where we have achieved the right and women have seats at the tables of power, where there is no more income gap, less violence. against women, where we have established in government and in family-friendly workplace policies, knowing that people have a life outside of work, and where we know your children have the best start in life.