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Middle East: Horrific surge in violence against children ‘must stop’ – UNICEF |

“Children in the region continue to suffer the devastating impact of protracted conflicts, regional violence, explosive weapons and remnants of war, and political and social conflict that has spread across many countries,” the UN agency said. including in Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Yemen, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Before marking the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, on Sunday’s World Children’s Day, UNICEF raised the alarm that nearly 580 children have been killed in conflict or violence in the MENA region this year, with many others injured.

Case in point

This week, two girls were found murdered in the Al-Hol camp for displaced people, many of whom are family members of former terrorist fighters, in northern Syria – just the latest act of horrible violence there.

And while a UN-backed offensive in Yemen has led to a significant reduction in the intensity of the conflict and the number of victims, it ended last month – again leaving children in the crosshairs.

The conflict in Blue Nile and West Kordofan States has also left children in Sudan vulnerable and exposed to violence.

Terrorism in Iran

At the same time, UNICEF is deeply concerned by reports of children being killed, injured, and detained in Iran.

Despite the lack of official data, since late September, an estimated 50 children have lost their lives in the open conflict there.

The latest horrific loss is 10-year-old Kiyan, who was shot dead while in a car with his family.

This is terrible and must stop”, UNICEF said.

A heavy bill

Meanwhile, earlier in the week, a 14-year-old Palestinian girl was killed near Ramallah – bringing the number of children killed in Palestine to 49, since the beginning of the year.

And the violence in Tripoli at the beginning of the year has claimed the lives of at least three children in Libya.

Additionally, in Iraq explosive weapons from previous conflicts continue to endanger the lives of children, killing and injuring 65 this year so far.

UNICEF fears that children continue to pay a heavy price for violence and conflict.

The UN agency reminds that the Convention of the Rights of the Child provides a universal set of standards to be adhered to by all countries – including the principle of non-discrimination; that the best interests of children are the primary consideration in all actions concerning children; and, critically, their right to life.

States parties to the Convention are under an obligation to protect children in conflict and violence and guarantee their right to life.

“The right of children to be protected from violence should be upheld at all times and by all parties to the conflict,” UNICEF said. “Violence is not a solution, and violence against children is never safe.”

Migrant children walk outside a detention center in Tripoli, Libya.

Migrant children walk outside a detention center in Tripoli, Libya.

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