On the World Day of Social Justice, a deeper dialogue beyond the ‘real economy’ can make progress, says the UN deputy chief

“We should develop fairer, more balanced policies that generates political buy-in to effect change,” Deputy Secretary General Amina Mohammed said in a video message. “What you still need is a deep social interaction with actors beyond the real economy. “
The days The theme focuses on strengthening international solidarity and re-establishing trust in government by overcoming barriers and opening opportunities for social justice. This approach comes from the recommendations in Our Common Agenda, the United Nations plan for realizing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 goals.
Overcoming multiple conflicts
The challenge is to overcome the toxic combination of forced conflicts – inflation, debt, food and fuel prices, geopolitical conflicts and conflicts, climate change – which are feared to increase poverty, inequality and discrimination in the world.
“All around the world people are struggling to recover from the economic damage of the COVID-19 pandemicwhich has damaged lives and deepened inequalities,” he said.
Indeed, the coronavirus pandemic worsened global inequality, reversing the declines of the past two years. Women’s share of total income from work is less than 35 per centjust a five percent rise compared to 1990. At the same time, 214 million workers live in extreme povertyless than 1.90 dollars a day, and the number of working poor is increasing in developing countries.
But, too before the plague starting in 2020, he said, far too many are forced to live on less than $2.00 a day without rights and social security and little hope for a better future.
“When there is a mismatch between economic development and social policy, political instability and conflict often follow,” he said. “This is why we need a closer relationship between social norms and norms of the UN and policies by international financial institutions. “
Getting ‘back on track’
The 2030 Agenda, reproduced by Our Common Agenda, provides a blueprint to get “back on track and save” the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), he said.
“Let’s always remember who the outcome is for; at the heart of the justice society are peopleespecially our women and youth,” he said, anticipating fruitful discussions, building to meet the needs of millions.
Due to the odds
Poverty and inequality within and between countries are increasing in many parts of the world. Inequality remains very high, with the annual gross domestic product per person ranging from about $600 in purchasing power in the poorest country to more than $115,000 in the richest country. Top 10 percent of the world’s population currently receives 52 percent of the world’s incomewhile the poorest half gets 6.5 percent of it.
By 290 million young people worldwide are not in education, work, or trainingwhile two billion people work in the informal economy. Unstable jobs and incomeUnhealthy and safe working conditions and no social security led to the disproportionate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on these workers who saw their earnings drop by 60 percent in 2020.
Identify key bottlenecks
To commemorate the day, Kyrgyzstan, the International Labor Organization (ILO) and partners held an event on the theme 2023. Participants explored key bottlenecks and challenges to overcome rising inequalities, opportunities in the green and digital economy to reduce them, and actions required by governmentsthe UN system, international financial institutions, and other partners to promote investment for social justice.
José Antonio Ocampo, Minister of Finance of Colombia, in an important speech, set out several ideas for addressing the current “multiple” global challenges that has a profound effect on social issues, including increasing food prices, climate crisis, and economic decline.
Social justice requires national-level financial action based on taxation, including wealth, he said. Indeed, inequality in wealth exceeds current income gaps, he said.
Impact on many areas of practice, he said the resources to guarantee the various tax revenues must be adapted to cover the existing needsalongside measures “guaranteeing the contributions of the poorest people”.
However, International money has an important role to play go ahead, he said. Expanding multilateral banking efforts can help countries address climate challenges, and Current debt swap arrangements may be further expanded. Aiding countries facing natural disasters is another key area that calls for expansion, he said.
Call for global unity
Experts at the ILO event outline further ways to support progress, with experts weighing in with new ideas.
ILO Director General Gilbert F Houngbo explained why a A greater emphasis on social justice is necessary for a sustainable recovery in a podcast released Monday.
“Socially speaking, if we don’t build better social justice, you’re going to end up with more social conflict,” he said.
To ensure that the important actions and actions are integrated throughout all levels of policy action, he also emphasized the need for a global unity for social justice.
“Imagine, if it is all over the world, we can take the discourse on social justice at the same level as the economy and the environment,” he said. “That, for me, would be a great achievement, because right now, it’s not.”