Sudan: Justice for protesters against rape, the key to ending the cycle of violence |

To break the cycle of chaos in the country, they also called for independent accountability and a reformed justice system with a mandate to address human rights violations committed during the protests.
This will also involve focusing on gender-based violence, and providing adequate redress for victims.
abuse is ongoing
“In the last year, we have received continuous reports of protesters killed, raped, injured, tortured and subjected to sexual and gender-based violence”, the experts said in a word
“The prosecution of the perpetrators, including the high-ranking authorities responsible for these crimes is essential to ensure Sudan’s sustainable transition to a credible democratic civilian government.”
The experts called for an “effective and independent intervention mechanism that is victim-focused”, that would address the serious crimes reported in relation to the military regime.
They said measures need to be taken to complete the investigations by the already established National Commission of Inquiry, and to bring justice to the victims of the grave crimes that have not been solved during the 2019 historic protests, which led to the fall of longtime leader Omar al-Bashir.
Denial of justice
“If these atrocities are not addressed, if the victims are again denied justice and retribution, and if the voices of the protesters are not heard, Sudan’s cycle of political chaos and brutal terrorism will continue, and the humanitarian crisis will deepen,” they said.
UN experts have repeatedly raised the alarm about reports of illegality and the use of force and arrests. The illegal tactics have killed at least 117 protesters, the OHCHR rights office said, and an estimated 7,700 protesters, including thousands of children, have been seriously injured, based on cases recorded by Sudanese observers.
Shooting and tear gas
Most of the injuries were caused by the use of firearms or tear gas canisters.
“We are very concerned that, as a result, some of the protestors who were injured sustained permanent or long-term paralysis, hand amputations, loss of sight and eye removal. There are alarming indications that many of those killed and injured in the context of protests were victims of targeted attacks,” said independent experts.
They raised serious concerns that hundreds were arrested, including women and children, for exercising their right to peaceful assembly, and without due process.
Punishment is detention
“Many detainees are said to have been tortured and tortured in prison, while some have been forced to disappear or have been held incommunicado. These cases must be fully and independently investigated and the authorities must immediately disclose the fate and condition of the missing protesters,” experts said.
There are also reports of women being subjected to sexual and gender-based violence, including abuse and gang rape, at points between protests or during detention, experts said.
These crimes took place under prolonged emergency measures, granting broad powers and immunity from prosecution to the security forces.
Lack of accurate statistics
“The lack of accountability for alleged crimes has a chilling effect on people’s right to freedom of peaceful assembly and participation in public affairs”, experts said.
The Sudanese authorities have an obligation to end impunity and provide reparation to victims and, ideally, to their families, the experts said, urging the international community to ensure that accountability is central to ongoing political discussions and the process of change in the country.
They urged the authorities to show restraint and refrain from using excessive force in response to any ongoing protests.
Special Rapporteurs are appointed by the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council to examine and report back on a specific human rights topic or country situation. The positions are prestigious and the experts are not paid for their work.