Terrorism is increasing throughout Africa, using instability and conflict

“Terrorists and violent extremists including Da’esh, Al-Qaida and their affiliates have used instability and conflict to increase their activities and increase attacks throughout the continent”, said Amina Mohammed in the representative Secretary General António Guterres.
“Their insane, horrific violence has killed and injured thousands and many more continue to suffer from the greater impact of terrorism on their lives and their lives”.
Spread the fear
With misogyny at the core of many terrorist groups’ ideology, women and girls in particular, are bearing the brunt of insecurity and inequality.
The skyline beyond the northern suburbs of Mogadishu is seen through a bullet hole in the window of a hotel in Somalia.
And two years ago, some of Da’esh’s most violent affiliates have expandedincreasing their presence in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger as well as south to the Gulf of Guinea.
“Terrorists and violent gangs are exacerbating instability and human suffering. And they can enter a country emerging from war back into the depths of conflict”, reminded the senior UN official.
Threatening states
Meanwhile, terrorists, non-state armed groups and criminal networks often pursue different plans and strategies, spread by smuggling, human trafficking and other forms of illegal financing – sometimes imitating legitimate forces.
And as digital tools spread hate and information, terrorists and other criminal groups are exploiting regional tensions and food insecurity caused by climate change.
The world of terrorism
In today’s highly connected world, Ms. Mohammed recalled that the spread of terrorism in Africa “is not only a concern for African Member States”.
“The challenge belongs to all of us. Confronting international terrorism requires effective multilateral responses“, he revealed.
From the climate emergency to armed conflict and poverty and inequality to the lawless internet, and the uneven recovery from COVID-19, it also points out that terrorism overlaps with other threats.
For a complete, comprehensive approach, the UN vice president refers to the New Agenda for Peace – part of Our Common Plan report
Amid increasing polarization, he maintained that he proposed ways to counter threats and revitalize peace and our collective security system.
Menaka in the northeast of Mali has been experiencing increased insecurity as a result of attacks by terrorist groups and other armed groups.
Push back on the load
Expressing five ideas to advance counter-terrorism efforts in Africa, Ms. Mohammed reminded that “prevention remains the best result“.
“We must face the instability and conflict that can lead to terrorism in the first place, as well as the conditions used by terrorists in pursuit of their goals”.
Second, it calls for community-based, feminist “whole-of-society” approaches.
Noting the “complex links between terrorism, patriarchy and gender-based violence”, she said anti-terrorism policies need to be “strengthened by the meaningful participation and leadership of women and girl”.
He emphasized in his third point that “fighting terrorism cannot be an excuse for violating human rights or international law” because “it will only set us back”.
Fourth, it emphasizes the importance of local organizations which can face the challenges posed by terrorists and violent extremist groups in the local area.
Finally, Ms. Mohamed called for “sustainable and predictable funding” to prevent and combat terrorism.
From economic deprivation to organized crime and governance challenges, “the scale of the problem calls for bold investment”, he told delegates.
Finally, the Under-Secretary-General welcomed the planned October 2023 Summit on counter-terrorism in Africa as an opportunity to consider ways to strengthen UN efforts across the continent as a whole.
He expressed confidence that today’s discussion will provide insight for the conference, and “help build peaceful, stable communities and societies across the continent”.
Soldiers from Burkina Faso during a military operation along the border with Mali and Niger.
Restoration Authority: President of Ghana
While presiding over the meeting with his country’s President of the Commission for November, the President of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, testified to the importance of restoring effective State authority and promoting close governance in all global. He also urged the Council to support the counter-terrorism activities of the AU, including with predictable funding.
The Chairperson of the African Union (AU), Moussa Faki Mahamat, drew attention in his conference, to the daily physical and psychological damage caused by terrorism and reminded that traditional responses and old models are no longer necessary to deal with threats development on land.
And as terrorism expands to new parts of the continent, Benedikta von Seherr-Thoss, Executive Director for Common Security and Security Policy and Crisis Response with the diplomatic section of the European Union (European External Action Service) made noting the need for security support while emphasizing the role. of sustainable development for food peace.
Comfort Ero, President and CEO of the International Crisis Group, also briefed the Council, and maintained that technical and military solutions will not end terrorist threats on their own, calling for a new anti-terrorist instrument that includes dialogue more with armed groups and can promote local ceasefire programs.