The UN teams with FIFA at the Women’s World Cup to score for gender equality

The tournament is expected to be watched by more than two billion people – the largest audience for a women’s sport in history – providing an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women in all sports and advocate for gender equality in general.
Female players continue to struggle with fewer professional opportunities, fewer brand sponsors, less media coverage, unequal playing conditions and a larger pay gap, compared to the men’s game.
When female artists succeed, they often face abuse both online and in person, stresses the UN’s gender equality agency.
Eyes on the prize
To address some of these challenges, FIFA has increased the prize money for the 2023 Women’s World Cup to $150 million, double the amount awarded in 2019.
FIFA and the UN have also launched them Soccer Unites the World The campaign aims to highlight important gender equality issues both on and off the field.
Under this umbrella, UN Women has partnered with FIFA on two calls to action that will feature prominently throughout the tournament. First, Unity for Gender Equality, seeks to recognize gender equality as a basic human right and as essential for a peaceful and sustainable world. the other, Coalition to End Violence Against Womenserve as a call to end violence and abuse in the world.
Unity for Gender Equality will be the signal message on the third day of the competition while the call to action again violence will be front and center during the semi-finals.
The two calls to action will be promoted through club leaders’ armbands, digital LED billboards, and social media.
Five other UN agencies have also joined the campaign in addition to UN Women, including UNESCO, UNHCR, the UN Human Rights Commission, the World Food Program, and the World Health Organization.
‘Inspiring’ energy and skills
“The women competing in this World Cup are role models for every girl on this planet” said the Executive Director of UN Women Sima Bahous.
“Their energy and skill is impressive. At the same time, this competition is a reminder that many women and girls are excluded from the world of sports, and even for those who participate, often experience discriminatory treatment and, even in some cases, abuse”, added the champion of gender equality of the UN.
“The Women’s World Cup shows us how not only we but the whole world loses when we fail to give women and girls the same opportunities as men and boys. Our partnership with FIFA, including on the global ‘Football Unites the World’ campaign, reflects this a serious commitment and ambition to address that for the common good.”
Donations to these initiatives will help UN Women fight for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in sport, can be done here.