UN chief condemns DPR Korea missile launch on Japan as ‘reckless action’ |

The missile launch was the first to hit Japan’s airspace since 2017, and the medium-range ballistic missile fell into the Pacific Ocean well off the mainland.
Sirens in Japan
Residents in parts of northern Japan were reportedly woken by sirens and voice alerts, and warned to watch out for possible falling debris.
News reports said the missile traveled some 4,500 kilometers (2,800 miles) – the longest distance of a North Korean missile – reaching an altitude of 1,000km.
Last week, Japan, the United States and South Korea held joint naval exercises for the first time since 2017, according to news reports, and after Tuesday’s launch, the three countries said they would engage in closely together with the international community. , to coordinate the immediate and long-term response to North Korea’s move – the fifth missile launch in a week.
Two missiles were launched by the DPRK on Saturday, outside the border of Japan’s exclusive economic zone.
UN Security Council resolutions prohibit North Korea from conducting ballistic or nuclear weapons tests.
“This is an irresponsible act and a violation of Security Council resolutions”UN chief António Guterres said, in a statement issued by his spokesperson.
“It is also a serious concern that the The DPRK has also rejected any consideration of international aviation or maritime security.”
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Mr. Guterres urged North Korea to resume dialogue with key parties on a plan to achieve sustainable and comprehensive peace and denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.”
In March, Mr. Guterres condemned the launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile, which was the DPRK’s first long-range test since 2017. A month earlier, the DPRK also canceled its own 2018 moratorium on intermediate-range ballistic missiles.
North Korea has conducted 23 different weapons tests so far this year.