Updated family planning guidelines promote energy, health and well-being – WHO |

The updated WHO Family Planning Policy document, launched on Tuesday, informs health workers on securing access to family planning services during emergencies, and provides policy makers with the most current information on contraceptive options. .
“Family planning promotes self-efficacy, empowerment, as well as health and wellnessand reduce maternal and child mortality through the prevention of unintended pregnancy and unsafe abortion”, Pascale Allotey, WHO Director for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.
Drawing on lessons learned, it also expands guidance for women and youth at high risk of HIV.
‘Essential tool’
Experience from recent outbreaks shows that family planning services can be very vulnerable during emergencies.
During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, approximately 70 percent of countries reported disruptions to these essential services – increased risks of unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections.
The manual advocates for continued family planning support services during the pandemicincluding through expanded access to personalized prenatal care, pharmacy distribution and multi-month supplies.
“This updated Family Prevention Guide is an important resource, helping health professionals support contraceptive users around the world in making informed choices about the contraceptive options that are right for them,” said the WHO senior official. .
Family planning supports health and reduces maternal and child deaths by preventing unintended pregnancies and unsafe abortions.
Personal injections
Personal contraceptives include condoms, birth control pills, some diaphragms, spermicides and most recently, the option of a self-injectable progestin-only contraceptive, called DMPA, which can be safely administered under the skin drops into the muscle.
Many women prefer private and intrusive injectable barriers that only require action every two to three – making this option can increase acceptance.
“Updates The recommendations in this Handbook show that almost any family planning method can be used safely by all womenand accordingly, all women should have access to a variety of options that meet their unique needs and goals in life,” said lead author Mary Gaffield.
High risk focus
For the first time, the 2022 edition includes a dedicated chapter to guide family planning services for women and young people at high risk of HIV, including people living in high HIV prevalence areas and those with partners polygamy or whose regular partner is living with HIV.
While only condoms protect against HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, all contraceptive options – with the exception of the nonoxynol-9 spermicide – now protect women and young people at high risk of HIV because they it has not been found to increase the risk. Transmission of HIV or contracted infection.
For those at high risk of HIV, the manual states that testing, counseling and first-line clinical care and referrals should all be offered as part of family planning services.
“We can provide family planning services safely and affordably because regardless of where they live, couples and individuals are able to choose from safe and effective family planning methods”, emphasized the lead author.
Teenage pregnancy is a global phenomenon with well-known causes and serious health, social and economic consequences.
Additional extras
The manual also incorporates the latest WHO guidance on cervical cancer and pre-cancer prevention, screening and treatment, all of which can be provided through family planning services; control of sexually transmitted infections; and family planning in abortion care.
Now in its fourth edition, the handbook is the most widely used reference guide on the subject worldwide, with over one million copies distributed or downloaded to date.
It is complemented by a medical selection tool for contraceptive use, also downloaded as a separate Tool.