Young Haitians bond over sports, earrings and ope jam |

Some 1500 young people are together Semans Lapè (Seeds of Peace) project event supported by the UN Peacebuilding Fund.
Rosemonde* (age 23)
“I live in Cite Soleil which is under the control of terrorists, there is only one road from my area, and it is usually full of water or full of garbage, so it is difficult to participate in outdoor activities.
My mother is not at home now, and I am the eldest of six children, so I do everything I can to take care of my family. I am not comfortable where I live.
“I do works of art, like earrings. When I join the works in these great gatherings, I can talk to people, I can live and adapt. I am here to enjoy life.
I wish my neighborhood was like this, I would be peaceful.”
Entrepreneurs present their products at a youth event in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Samantha (22)
“I am a businessman. I make jam and peanut butter and other products in my house in Saint Martin. I learned this on a training course. I would like to sell from local shops, but to do this I need investment more. So, for now I am selling from my home.
Young people in Haiti want to get ahead but find it difficult to get help, especially when there is no social support system in place
Young people have a lot of trouble, so I think it’s good to gather them together for activities like this, because it can help them see that they are not different from people who live in different areas.
The situation has been deteriorating for several months, but despite that I think I can motivate other young people to improve. I believe in myself a lot. I am the leader for my family. “
Young Haitian women and men participate in a youth sports event in Port-au-Prince
Events (19)
Young people including my three sisters who have finished school, spend most of their time sitting at home with nothing to do. These activities, which include learning activities, are important as they help us to move forward. Of course, it is good to spend time with other young people.
I love sports. Even when I was small, I was strong and competitive and that still motivates me today to do my best.
My dream for other young people is for them to see their life the same way I see my life. This means that they focus more on their work, on what they need to learn. I always encourage them to try hard.
One of my dreams is that, when I finish school, I want to travel, to explore other countries, but now it’s not possible.”
Joseph, is one of the 1500 young women and men who participated in the event in Port-au-Prince
Joseph (21)
“Life in Haiti is very difficult now, because of insecurity, political instability and the crisis due to the lack of oil. According to my grandfather, life was not like that before, it is becoming more difficult every year.
An activity like this is very important, because it helps young people to socialize and see their true worth. The country needs more sports activities.
Them Semans Lapè The project provided me with training and now I am an entrepreneur. I am still a student. I was already selling chocolate before the job, but now I have taken my business to a new level and the products are better and well presented. My business is called Happy Choco. I see myself as an entrepreneur and so school is important to me.
Dancers perform at a youth event in Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Maryland (19)
“The situation at home in Cite Lumière is very difficult. It is clear that there is violence, but also, when it rains, the flooding is very bad. Life is not easy at all, but it is not bad at all. It is difficult for those my friend to visit me..
Many people judge us because we come from this area. Everyone can have a good life. Most of the people who are subjected to violence are innocent.
This activity allows us to have small talk, to receive news. It’s really important. I love dancing and our neighborhood put on a show here. I think it would be great if these activities could be held more often.
My dream is to go to university to become an accountant and continue to dance at the professional level. But it’s hard and we don’t have the means to continue with our school. This is the problem that many young people here have. Most of us have talent and intelligence, but we cannot exploit it to our advantage.
Today’s activities can change people’s attitudes about young people from disadvantaged communities.”
Flower Box:
Them Semans Lapè The project has been financed by the UN Peacebuilding Fund and implemented by Concern Worldwide, in collaboration with the national NGOs Lakou Lapè and Sakala.